Having a good office can leave a big impact on the working atmosphere and the overall productivity of the business team. That is not strange because 8 hours a day, almost every person spends working.
Due to that, people must spend a lot of time to improve the design of the office. But what can you do to improve your office? What makes an office a good office? Let me show you few tricks which can make one office an ideal workplace.
What is the best design for an office?
Open space, bright colors, and modern furniture. Those are things which can improve your office in an aesthetic way. Open space gives freedom to the office and nobody will feel cramped in their small room. That is the modern style because people are now communicating like never before. They are brainstorming, helping each other and debate whether it is a good idea or not. The work style has changed a lot in the last few years and that is visible in the design of the office. No more cubicles, no more small rooms. Everybody is in the same room, sitting next to each other, working together.
The modern furniture is here more for the guests than for the workers because today it is modern to invest in the image of the brand. The best way to do that is through the overall design. Just remember Google. How many of you wanted to be a part of that team, just because of the cool offices? They have game tables like foosball tables or pool tables. They have video games, swings, slides, they have everything. When you look at the workers there, they aren't using them that often. Table games are a great anti-stress therapy, which means they are used maybe once a week, which is pretty rare.
When I said bright colors, I didn't mean a bright yellow, orange or blue. I meant colors which are elegant and don't poke you in the eyes. Light grey, white, light yellow or light mints are the colors used for the office. Those are calming colors which bring style and elegance to the picture. Dark colors like red, blue or purple aren't a good choice because they will make people feel cramped.
Besides aesthetic things you can do, you can bring quality to your workplace. A good way to do that is to start each day with a business breakfast where you all sit together and talk about the things you have to do the following day. It is a good way to keep everybody in the loop and that means fewer mistakes. Another thing is better equipment. If your employees are sitting at the table the entire day, invest in good ergonomic chairs. That will help your employees feel better and stay healthy for a long time. Nobody likes to work with a back pain, right?
When you are making a good workplace for the team, you have to keep in mind every part of the work hours. That will immediately turn any office in the ideal workplace.
Author bio:
Mark is a foosball player and a blogger who loves to write about foosball. To check out his work visit this link here: http://www.foosballzone.com/foosball-table/
Picture credit:
Annie Spratt